Abhyanga – The Ayurvedic Oil Massage
Ayurveda Massage has been being executed as a part of Ayurvedic Therapy since the primordial ages. These days, the more we are inclining towards the hectic way of life, the more lifeless we are getting.
I’m quite certain that you have always been seeking a coherent resolution to physical and mental alignment. I mean, who wouldn’t?
One of the most ancient and practical aids to this concern has been prevailing in our very own context as a very conventional configuration. That is the Abhyanga. People have been experiencing several accomplishments of this ancient therapy over the ages. That is why we are still talking about it so reliably and bringing it to your door. Abhyanga, The Oil Massage, is a form of Ayurvedic medicine which involves Doshas specific herbs infused into the oil.
‘Abhi’ denotes motion, and (y)’Anga’ indicates body parts, which means the particular movement of different body parts. Abhyanga massage is applied on the head and face along with the front and back part of the body, in the arms and hands, legs, and feet.
Before you get into this stuff, I want to address some basic terminologies regarding it. Incipiently, Tridosha refers to the three fundamental energies or principles that govern the functions of our body on the physical and emotional stages. The three energies are known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Each individual has a unique balance of all three of these energies.
The combination of air and space is Vata. Fire and water combine Pitta. This way, earth, and water integrate Kapha. Those Three Doshas together are called Tridoshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
Doshas, the three biological “humours” in Ayurveda, are depicted as the combination of the five fundamental elements (Pancha Maha Bhuta) that assemble the human body. The combination of the components- earth (Prithvi), water (Jala), fire (Tejas), air (Vayu), and space (Akasha) results in the Tridoshas.
It is Vata that regulates movement and is responsible for the nervous system that combines Air and Space. Then comes Pitta that synchronizes biotransformation and dedicates all metabolic processes. Fire and Water are the integration of the elements of Kapha that modulate cohesion and functions of the body. Therefore, Dosha is responsible for all body fluids and amalgamates the Earth and Water element.
Tridoshas are the three “humours” or forces of the body, which bring health when in balance and produce diseases when out of balance.
To stabilize all the three Doshas and the five elements, Ayurveda employs different kinds of therapies. Abhyanga – the oil massage, is the most practiced and admired nowadays. It harmonizes body and mind, provides relaxation, calms nerves down, and assists to deepen and soothe better sleep. That massage helps to reduce obesity, detoxify, increase flexibility and strength to the body. Because of the application of different oils, the skin becomes soft and smooth, thus, rejuvenates. Abhyanga improves blood circulation, stimulates internal organs, and supports self-healing. If you try to enlist the benefits of that massage technique, it will result in a tremendously extended list, better to give it a try initially and experience the outcomes. 😃
People usually tend to say that there are skills one is born with, and in the course of events, the interest towards the particular affair conveys it to a certain extent. On that note, I would accord that they are somehow correct. However, learning new things and acquiring new skills would be a pleasure for everyone. Later on, it could be proven advantageous and beneficial, and we can make it happen together.
Ayurveda and Abhyanga came into my life during my first Teachers Training Course at Parmarth Niketan Ashram in Rishikesh in 2011. After that experience and some more lectures, I started looking for accomplished therapists and teachers who could guide me to direct transmissions to apply that science in our daily standard of existence. Joining for my entire graduation in India was not my preference for several reasons. Usha Vaishnava from Ayurveda Nirvana in Rishikesh introduced me to the Panchakarma, the quinary Ayurvedic gesture of detoxication and replenishment of tissues where Abhyanga performs a massive part of it. Along with her assistant Gitaji, they taught me how to perform Panchakarma, the massage, and the other techniques.
Currently, I am not only able to treat you with Abhyanga massage but also capable of showing you the process of how to do it for others. If your motivation is substantially concrete to help others, this is an extraordinary service that you can offer and provide people who need it.
An Entire Body Massage usually takes up to two hours to complete effectively, and more time might be beneficial depending on the case and the circumstances. I generally use some specific oils for regular massage sessions. If you have a preference, I am gladly willing to use them according to your convenience. Several types of oil can be applied since they do not have a detrimental impact on the therapy. I can also conduct a massage partially just for the back or legs if you demand. Though to enhance the advantages of the massage, it is strongly recommended not to limit the procedure to particular body regions. It is preferable to take the necessary amount of time to perform the whole process accordingly.
The Abhyanga Basic Course – We will predominantly concentrate on the massage application to the entire body. The fundamental principles and concepts of Ayurveda are not a part of that, but we will keep talking about them. After that initial input, you will have more queries than before, and it will eventually encourage you to keep learning and practicing Ayurveda in your daily life. In this way, you might be able to possess this significant knowledge and appearance of Ayurveda as well as guide others to it. After this course, you will be able to understand and perform full and partial body Abhyanga Massage.
Moreover, who are absolutely new to this field and want to get involved from scratch, a complete Beginners’ Standard Course is coming through for you. If that is your case, let me know. Feel free to reach out to me about any query, an appointment, or a course. I will be glad to help you, this is my mission.
Make an effort to set aside some time for your physical and mental well-being. This is what will keep you affluent for the rest of your life!
Namaste ji