Buddhist psychology, form and sound
Buddhist psychology offers a rich and nuanced understanding of the nature of the mind and the path to liberation from suffering.
Read more “Buddhist psychology, form and sound”Buddhist psychology offers a rich and nuanced understanding of the nature of the mind and the path to liberation from suffering.
Read more “Buddhist psychology, form and sound”I spend a lot of time on youtube and many other online platforms with multimedia content, and many of them I wish to be able to care with me to watch offline in particular circumstances, like being in the Himalayas mountains and no internet available.
Read more “AllavSoft – media stream Downloader”It’s important to be mindful of the type of music we listen to. Melancholic songs may not be beneficial for everyone. According to the laws of correspondence and resonance, music, like everything else, can attract vibrations that may or may not be good for us. It’s important to incorporate positive elements into our lives to enhance our joy, strength, and willpower.
Read more “Music is more than just music”