I’ve been using Malwarebytes since I first started using a Mac back in 2014, and I’ve been very happy with its performance ever since. The software does an excellent job of protecting my computer against malware and other online threats, and I’ve never had any issues with it.
Pilates sounds like a big Brand name, and there are lots of people who don’t even know that Pilates was a man. Many of those are practicing his method.
I very good to focus on practice to get the benefits, but one needs to know, what should be known.
I think we can get to know a little bit about this guy called Pilates and his Method also with he same name.
This is an Exercise Method broughted to the world by him.
But before, let’s watch a small Homage to this great Teacher.
Now you may ask, what Pilates really did, what his method is all about?
During the period he has been in the Arm, he got shoot and landing at the hospital with many others injured people, he start to make use of some pieces of beds and whats ever he could find, to help people working in this body even with all injuries. His focus was to maintain the health body parts active, and a strong core. All devices you can see being used in a Pilates Studio, has been redesigned once the War ends and he start to propagate his method. The improvised Bed devices became proper therapeutic devices, which has helped an uncountable number of people since in the last century.
Is no hare to hear people ask: what is the different between Yoga and Pilates, both look so similar?
I rather say befor all, nothing is what appears to be!
Yoga is a Spiritual Discipline and Pilates an Exercise System. Pilates, they guys who develop the Method, by been a child with some difficult health conditions, has made use of the knowledge of his Gymnastic father, and Natural Healer mother, and by combining them, he made something proper for him and helpful form many others too.
The Gymnastic movements, Stretching, Breathing we most know today, has been practices since thausend of year, human beings are using the own body to promote healing since a long period, is not a surprise for me, to see a new Healing Method, similarits with old Systems. Look at the training in a Gymnastic class. Is almost known…, for a good performance, the practitioner must hold stretching postures like a Yogis do, right…
So, the knowledge we already have, thanks the observance of body reaction, after perform stretching postures is wide, right now is no wrong to say, this is a common knowledge.
I prefer to practice, Yoga, or Pilates, both, or something. Rather than care much about the differences. The reason I have to try both is exactly because of their similarities.
Pilates vs. Yoga
Today we have many option, some people take really a good time to pay attention of differences and can explain, according to their views and experiences way better. Here a small detailed explanation on both.
Over the years, I’ve been to different places and tried different diets, and I’ve experienced many body transformations. Through my observations, I’ve come to some conclusions that have helped me and others lose weight and improve our health.
Vietnamese people are some of the friendliest folks you’ll ever meet. They’re always happy to crack a joke and share a smile, and they’re eager to learn from visitors from other countries. Vietnam is a country of contrasts – you can find luxury resorts and bustling cities, but also remote villages and quiet countryside escape.
Siddhartha Gautama, also known as Sakya Muni Buddha, is one of the most revered figures in Buddhism. His enlightenment at Bodhgaya, in the state of Bihar, India, has transformed the spiritual landscape of the world.
Have you ever had your palms read? I’ve done it a couple of times and it’s a fascinating experience. I even got a small book about palmistry, which shed light on some interesting facts.
Tilopa in on the left, he appear in the Thangkas with a fish in one of the hands and a red belt to support the sitting position. This painting shows as well Chakrasambhava and Vajravarahi.
I spend a lot of time on youtube and many other online platforms with multimedia content, and many of them I wish to be able to care with me to watch offline in particular circumstances, like being in the Himalayas mountains and no internet available.
Are you a devotee of Krishna? a Hare Krishna as many people call? There is no need to be a Vaishnav for worhip Vishnu, we all do once we start to learn Yoga properly, mainly when it comes to the lecture on Karma Yoga and Bhakti Yoga.
The Kalachakra Tantra is a highly significant event in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This event was supposed to take place in the first days of 2016, but due to the health status of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, it was postponed. Finally, it took place in Bodhgaya in the first days of January 2017, and it attracted around 200,000 participants and visitors.
Weddings in India are a time of great celebration, where the more people who attend, the merrier it becomes. Indians have a unique way of inviting guests to weddings, often going all out to ensure that the party is as grand as possible. They take pride in showcasing their hospitality, and weddings are the perfect opportunity to do so.
It is commonly believed that the Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama or Sakya Muni, was not the first Buddha. In fact, there were six Buddhas who preceded him, making him the seventh Buddha.
I have been in Vietnam since January 27th, 2020. Many of you may already know this. What was planned to be just a 2 1/2 month trip has become a place to live since I arrived. We are in uncertain times, and things are changing pretty fast. However, we are also creating more than ever before, I believe.
The Brahmajala Sutta describes 62 different kinds of wrong views or beliefs that were prevalent during the Buddha’s time, and it presents a detailed analysis of these views along with the correct understanding of reality according to Buddhist teachings.
Nath Sampradaya is a spiritual tradition or school of Shaivism, which is a major branch of Hinduism. It is primarily associated with the Nath yogis and is known for its emphasis on yoga, tantra, and the worship of Lord Shiva.