Yoga and the 5 elements
a holistic way for a vast and deep understanding about life and your-self

Hello Monday
Yoga mit Ricardo um 17.30 Uhr in der Neustadt.
Wenn du deinen Montag mit mehr Fokus und Gelassenheit ausklingen lassen möchtest und gleichzeitig beweglicher und kräftiger werden willst, dann komm vorbei und erlebe eine tolle Zeit mit uns.
Bist du in Bremen?
Dann schau doch ab dem 5. August auf der anderen Seite der Weser vorbei und schließe dich uns für einen entspannten Montag an.
Balance the 5 Elements
A 2 hours Hatha-Yoga meditative class with breath awareness, postures held for moderate periods, Chakra concentration, relaxation, and meditation at the end.

Asana Photoshootings
I would like to invite you to perform asanas and be photographed. You will have the pictures to use where ever you want. I’m sure you will enjoy to be a Yogi Model!
Abhyanga - Ayurvedic Oil Massage
Abhyanga, is a Ayurvedic medicinal massage which involves Doshas specific herbs infuses oil. It´s helps to reduce weight, detoxify, increases flexibility, strength, and much more.

12 aspects of the Sun in Surya Namaskar mantra
108 rounds of sun salutation practice with Surya Namaskar mantra – 3 1/2h Workshop.
Yin Yang Yoga
In that workshop, we work with the passive Yin energy by holding for 4 to 5 minutes in relaxation in one posture, but in between each posture, we do some active work to improve the effectiveness of the asana and set the body more receptive to the passiveness, by working after with the Yang energy of actions.

Pranayama & Breathing Meditation
Breath is the most vital action for humans. Take time and just breath! How much do we do in everyday life? Our most essential being activity, once controlled by our vegetative neuro system, has less and less our attention. Let’s focus on breathing and change it!