

Samadhi can mean simply “single-pointed concentration.” However, once it becomes mystified, it can open the door to a much wider way of seeing reality, or even “another reality” in itself.

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Mingyur Rinpoche – a wander Yogi

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is a well-known Tibetan Buddhist teacher and meditation master. He is the author of several books, including “The Joy of Living” and “In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying.” He is also the founder of the Tergar Meditation Community, a global network of meditation centers and study groups that promote the practice of meditation and mindfulness.

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Sherabling Monastery

thats a powerful amazing place, in the middle of green himalayas, is quite near from a very important and old tantric site, the Baijinath Shiva Temple, or better say, Vaidyanath Shiva Temple, dedicated to Shiva as Vaidyanath, ‘the Lord of physicians’ at the 13rd century, but the place in itself, has been used for worship much earlier.

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Joy of Living – Mingyurs Rinpoches Teachings on Meditation…

I have the privilege to meet Mingyur Rinpoche in his first circle of Teachings after his 4 years of wandering retreat. Rinpoche left his Monastery in Bodhgaya in the middle of the night without informing no one about his destination and engage in a trip without almost nothing within himself a part of his body and mind. The process and result of this “adventure” you can read in his new book “In love with the World” as well as in the documentary “Wandering but not Lost”.

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Ayurveda Practice

Ever since I was a small boy, I have been fascinated by the colors and flavors of food and the results of different taste combinations. My grandmother used to collect herbs from our neighbors for various purposes, which gave me a small impression of how nature is essential to daily life and health.

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