Gandhi National Museum
The National Gandhi Museum at Rajghat provides a complete panomara of Mahatama Gandhi’s life, work and philosophy. Started in a humble way in 1948, soon after the martyrdom of Gandhiji and shifted to the present location in 1961, is is a unique museum with its collection of original documents, personal relicsnot only of Gandhiji but also of his close associates. In the museum Gandhiji’s life is preented through his relics, photographs, audio-visuals, literature, art works on Gandhiji and a full scale replica of his hut in Sabarmati Ashrm. It has an excellent library on books by Gandhiji and books on him.
With such a rich collection of materials on all aspecets of Gandhiji, it is an excellent center for the availability of Gandhian and related literature.
The Museum works on:
- collect, preserve and display Gandhiji’s records.
- promote the studies on Gadhian thoughts.
- take steps to presrrve and protect places associated with Gandhiji’s life and work.
- publish literature, periodicals, books, on Gandhiji.
- prepare and distribute audio-visual material on Gandhiji.
- organize study courses, seminars, etc. on Gandhiji and related topics.
- train men and woman for carring out nation building on the Gandhian lines.
The Galleries for visitor
Charkha (Spinning wheel) Gallery: Struggle of a different kind
Charkha played a unique role in India’s freedom struggle. In this gallery the development and history of Charkha is described. One can see the hand-spun yarn of Gandhiji, Ba, Neru, Patel, Rajendra Prasad and others, and also different types of Charkhas.
Photo Gallery: his life with pictures
300 photographs related to Gandhiji, from his early childhood till his death, are displayed in the Photo Gallery. It also contains Gandhian memotabilia. Gandhiji’s spectacles, microscope, pen, watches, sandals, utensils, books, diaries, stick used in Dandi MArch etc. are displayed in show-cases. Gandhiji’s teeth, model of the house where he was born,saree giftedby Gandhiji to India’s first woman Prime Minister Smt. India Gandhi on the occasion fo her marriage, and many other items are displayed.
Commemorative Gallery: Remembering the great soul
In this gallery, the photographs of Gandhiji’s last journey, model of the rail coach in which his ashes were carried to Allahabad, clothes, bed covers, etc. are displayed in show-cases. Stamps released his honour by different countries, India notes and currencies, citations etc. can also be seen.
Martyrdom Gallery: the unfinished task
Urns containing Gandhiji’s ashes, blood stained shawl and dhoti, one of the bullets which killed Gandhiji, the pocket watch with him at the last moments of his life, etc. are displayed in this gallery. It also contains newspaper clippings, messages of people from India and abroad on his death and his favourite bhajas.
Art and Ashram Gallery: artistic expression
Photographs of five Asharams established by Gandhiji’s and the models of the Phoenix, Sabarmati anf Sevagram Ashram are displayed in this section, In addition, portraits of Gandhiji through various medums by different artists are also displayed.
Hridaya Kunj: simple living and high Thinking
Hridaya Kunj is a replica of Gandhiji’s residence in the Sabarmati Ashram from 1915 to 1930.
Library and Publications:
Library has a rare and extensive collection of nearly 44000 books and journals. It includes collections of weeksly journals eidted by Gandhiji, photocopies of Gandhiji’s correspondences with world’s famous leaders, digital opies of books and journals etc. The Reading Room has a large number of magazines. A number of books, monographs and pamphlets have been published on subjects related to Gandhiji’s ny the Museum. Catalogue of Library books is available online at www.gandhimuseum.org Facility of Photocopying of now possible to make soft copy of the book and supply scanned pages from a document.
Photo Section
Photo Section has a collection of nearly 7000 photographs of Gandhiji from his childhood till his last journey includiibg photos of his associates. It has a full-fledged photo developing and enlarging unit and lamination and mounting facilities. It supplies photographs in sizes varying from passport size to wall size, on order, for non-commercial purpouses, at direct cost charged. With the addition of a new computer, scanner and printer, it is now possible to supply photograps and their soft copies within a very short time.
Special Exhibition
Apart from the permanent exhibits, the Museum maintains a stock of special exhibitions on various topics related to Gandhiji and Indian Freedom Struggle. There are lent free of cost (except from transport and packaging charges) tot he Gandhian and educational institutions on request.
Audio-Visual Section
The Audio-Visual Section has films and CDs of Gandhiji’s speeches, his life and India Freedom Momevent. Copies of films, tapes and CDs are supplied for specific, non-commercial use on request at cost based service charges.
The Museum has a small auditorium where short filmes of Gandhiji and others are shown from 10am to 5pm free of charges. Special shows of some films can also be arranged in the Museum or outside in Delhi, on request. On Saturday and Sunday, special screening of selected films in HIndi and English is done between 4pm and 5pm.
Sales Counter
Gandhi Literature Center is the sales center offering Gandhian literature, audio & video cassettes, CDs, films, pictures cards, posters, framed photographs and presentation items such as key rings, pens & figures. Complete catalogue for books is available on line and it can be accessed through the Museum’s website.
The first full lenght documentary on Gandhiji made by A. K. Chettiar entitled Mahatma Gandhi: the 20th Century Prophet is available in English, Tamil and Hindi in DVD for around 2 dolars.