Tilopa, Naropa and Guru Yoga
Tilopa in on the left, he appear in the Thangkas with a fish in one of the hands and a red belt to support the sitting position. This painting shows as well Chakrasambhava and Vajravarahi.
Tilopa and Naropa were two great yogis of the Mahamudra lineage who lived in India during the 10th and 11th centuries. They were both masters of the practice of Guru Yoga, which involves meditating on the spiritual teacher as a means of realizing the true nature of the mind.
Tilopa was the teacher of Naropa, and he is often depicted holding a fish in one of his hands, which symbolizes his power to extract the essence of spiritual teachings. He is also shown wearing a red belt to support his sitting posture during meditation. In this thangka painting, Tilopa is accompanied by the deities Chakrasambhava and Vajravarahi, who represent the male and female aspects of enlightened consciousness.
Naropa was a scholar and professor of Buddhist philosophy before he met Tilopa, who became his spiritual guide. Through the practice of Guru Yoga, Naropa was able to directly experience the nature of his own mind and attain a state of profound realization. He later became a great master in his own right, and his teachings have been passed down through the Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism.
The practice of Guru Yoga involves developing a deep connection with one’s spiritual teacher, who serves as a guide and inspiration on the path to enlightenment. By meditating on the teacher’s qualities and accomplishments, the student is able to generate the same qualities within themselves and overcome obstacles on the spiritual path.
Guru Yoga is considered one of the most important practices in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and it is said to be the most direct means of realizing the nature of the mind. Through the blessings and guidance of the guru, the student is able to awaken their own innate wisdom and compassion, and ultimately attain the state of complete enlightenment.
The thangka painting of Tilopa and Naropa serves as a reminder of the power of Guru Yoga and the profound connection between teacher and student. It is a testament to the transformative power of spiritual practice and the potential for all beings to awaken to their true nature.