Ocean of Diversity, book from Khentrul Rinpoche
A joyful Ocean of Precisou Diversity is a book where is explained the different point of view of many spiritual paths. The visionary Shar Khentrul Jamphel Lodrö is a Tibetan Refugee based in Australia, from there he propagates the nonsectarian message of the Jonang Kalachakra tradition by giving teaching all over the world. In this book, he provides us with a view of different traditions and believe system in order to apply the same principle to survive as human beings in a diverse overpopulated world.
Divided in three parts, Rinpoche starts by giving us tools to understand what should be understood to have a non sectarian view towards others’ believes, which once applyed, help us to develop tolerance in the daily life and build a harmonial relationships between people. In the second part of the Book, always give us some reflective questions to be observed regard our view towards other, in that chapter he spoke about Ancient Wisdom Traditions, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Jainism, Buddhism, Taoism and as well Scientism.
The third part of the book, Khentrul Rinpoche, dedicate to explain us in details about the Tibeta context os Traditions and believe system, like the Bön, Nyingma, Sakya, Kagyu, Jonang, Geluk and the non-sectarian moviment that toke part that traditions called Rimé.
I got that book during the 34° Kalachakra Initiation, right after the 15 days of teachings, Rinpoche offer a retreat to those interested into make the Kalachakra Tantra the own Buddhist practice. As well I joined that retreat and am very satisfied by being able to understand a bit more and practice to the benefits of all beings. That book is for me a kind of Bedside book, where I always look to the reflections the Master of the Jonang tradition invite and recommend us to do.
To those who are interested to ready something clear about the different believe systems and traditions, this book is indispesable and need to be studed meticulously regard the rich of details and informations he give to us in a clear and easy to understand way.
You can get the book direct from:
Tibetan Buddhist Rimé Institute
1584 Burwood Highway
Belgrave VIC 3160